Monday, May 2, 2011

A Really Big Update!

Wow, the site has greatly improved since I started it four days ago...

Damian is one of the site's viewers and has greatly helped me in making the releases better. Thanks for finding better quality raws and providing subs that have signs and full karaoke for Kimi ni Todoke! Now time to find karaoke and signs for Hayate. If I do, then we have hit the Jackpot and will surely have the best releases for these three shows.

Kobato will get released faster, it is the easiest show to work on and is truly free of errors. Expect completion in around two weeks. I am doing this in order to focus on the two hard projects.

I am looking for softsubs for Hayate no Gotoku! that may have karaoke inserted. Thanks everyone who has been helping me! Will do Hayate season 2 for sure.

On a side note, watching Nichijou.
A word of caution, this show might top drugs... XD


Coreydbz said...

I'm looking forward to your release of Kimi ni Todoke ^_^ as for Kobato and Hayate no Gotoku! I'll be buying the R1 releases.

Cloud said...

I did not know there was an R1 release of Kobato. This is news to me...

Coreydbz said...

It's not available just yet but It definetly will be getting a R1 release sometime this year hopfully.

Cloud said...

Nice! Sentai is getting better and better with releasing good anime.

Coreydbz said...
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Coreydbz said...

I know lets hope they keep It up. Any thanks for releasing Kimi, I was planning on watching the TVrips from Eclipse but I'll wait for your release now. Will you also be releasing season 2 after?

Cloud said...


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